Tuesday, September 18, 2012


It really caught my eyes.
Borscht Soup (credit: snacktastic)

The first time I saw this soup I was like, what the??? purple colour?? pfffft.... I don't have any idea about it. Can't think any words for it.

credit: 123rf
This soup is actually the vegetarian soup originally from Ukraine. However, this soup is also popular in Eastern and Central European countries such as;  Azerbaijan, Belarus, Czech, Estonia, German, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Rom(Italy), Russia, Slovakian and Turkey.

Vegetarian Soup (credit: pccuisine)
The main ingredient for this soup is beetroot, it give the colour of deep reddish-purple to this soup.
I really wanna taste this food. Maybe one day. Hopefully


Monday, September 17, 2012


Monday - 20 August 2012 (2 Syawal 1433)
Monday - 27 August 2012 (9 Syawal 1433)
Tuesday - 28 August 2012 (10 Syawal 1433)
Wednesday - 29 August 2012 (11 Syawal 1433)

Saturday, September 15, 2012

She is a kind of likely to help people surrounding.
She knew the previous she is kind of likely to messing up with everything.

She knew she doesn't have any right to hate anyone.
Because she never knew what they'd been through.

The feeling and emotion are different for each homosapiens.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


I should begin writing or jotdown anything that I have done, and now I wanna list-down the openhouse I attended during this Raya:

  1. Miwa's house in Cheras, my classmate during Matriculation's year (25th Aug 2012)
  2. Diba's house in Datuk Keramat, my classmate during lower form (31st August 2012)
That's all for now. Will write it back soon.

New semester will be begin in just a week. What's the plan?

Not much to say because for the second semester we gonna have 4 subjects;
  • CSC750 Compiler Construction
  • CSC752 Advanced Algorithm & Analysis
  • ITS773 Agent Technology (Elective)
  • Special Topis

First class Algo dah ada exercises. Baca soalan & tak faham apa.
First class Agent also dah ada exercises.

Need to study hard.
Pray for me. :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Hari ni aku nak ketuk papan kekunci dengan menulis setail orang tweet di pencicit...opppps.... twitter lah

Macam tajuk video yang MatLutfi pernah post kat youtube. Tapi aku tak pernah terfikir secara mendalam pun maksud LALANG ni. Sampailah satu hari, classmate aku mention aku di twitter dengan kata-kata " Jangan nak jadi lalang".... Tersentap!

Memang aku tersentap! Tapi.. aku rasa ramai manusia yang bersikap seperti Lalang. Terhuyung-hayang tanpa ada matlamat hidup yang tetap. Matlamat tu ada tapi mudah ditiup angin. Bila kawan cakap something negative, mudah terpengaruh. Lalu, hiduplah kamu ibarat Lalang. Bebas meliuk-lentuk tapi tetap berada di tempat yang sama. Tak bergerak jauh pun.

Tapi.. memang adat lah manusia nak terpengaruh dengan perbuatan atau percakapan orang lain. Jiran beli sofa baru, kita sibuk nak sofa baru jugak. Kawan-kawan apply masuk army kita pun apply. Sebab? Nak ikut orang lah. Baru setara kan. Tapi macam mana kalo kita tewas? Kita tewas sebab semua tu bukan kehendak kita. Kita hanya menurut kata-kata manusia yang lain.

Sedarlah. Sekalipun kita rasa tertewas, hakikatnya kita masih belum tewas. Kita masih berada di atas landasan yang sama. Hidup tidak akan pernah terlambat untuk berubah. Bermulalah di saat anda berada sekarang. Bukannya saya akan berubah nanti.

We Must Act Now!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's been 2 years since I didn't write anything in this blog. I already graduated from uni, had working & now comeback to school to study again. Life changes so fast. My family, my friends, the teachers, the leaders, the most popular actor in our country. Everything has changed!

Last year, i got my first baby nephew. So cuutee. Hehee. This year my second sister is getting married on June. Sooner or later I'll get another baby nephew/niece. =.=

Zayyad, he is 4 months now.