10:41:00 PM by EqynnYusof
LC: Selama awak bekerja di Takaful, berapa ramai orang melayu yg cakap tiada duit mahu ambil takaful?
B: Boleh tahan juga ramainya. Bila diajak menyertai Takaful, masing2
mengatakan tiada duit. Hendak digunakan membeli kelengkapan perayaan,
kelengkapan sekolah, minggu hadapan sahaja lah... dan akhirnya cancel.
LC: Orang Melayu sebenarnya baik, cerdik and they have a lot of money,
but many of them, they sooo stupid! I don't want to insult you, but that
the truth.
B: Terkejut & rasa nak marah pun ada.
LC: I'm
sorry sebab I cakap mcm tu, but when you see lot of Chinese shop yg
menjual handphone, casing handphone, benda2 bodoh mcm spongebob,
dragonball that they put at their phone is useless.
LC: But the
buyer is Malay also they were Muslim. I thought they have a lot of money
instead bought that useless thing. But when it come to saving for
future, education they keep saying - just borrow. I thought that Islam
thought you to settle your debt sebelum mati kan?
B: Terdiam.
LC: Dulu I pernah juga menjadi insurans ejen, but not too long sebab
after my father meninggal dunia, I jaga bisnesnya. Tetapi yang bagusnya,
apabila meninggal dunia, insurans diberikan pada kami sekeluarga
RM500,000 for the coverage. You ingat kita boleh buka bisnes kalau tiada
duit? Duit coverage inilah buat modal utk buka bisnes dan juga utk byr
hutang... You kira bagus sebab melakukan perkerjaan ini, my Ustaz tell
me that doing Takaful also part of dakwah. You do Takaful halal,
Insurans haram.
Petikan kisah diatas adalah dari buku Jumaat Bersama Tok Guru, karangan Ann Wan Seng.
untuk maklumat lanjut hubungi saya Shikin 013-3137620, PruBSN Takaful
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